What I’ve learned from preprints: How we can challenge inequities in scholarly communication

Monica Granados photo

When: Monday, October 28, 2pm - 3:30pm. Where: CPC-2610 Bamboo Room, Campus Center, Rochester Institute of Technology, at One Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY 14623.

Join us for a discussion on the potential shift in preprints as the primary scholarly communication output and the tools that are being built around them to improve peer review and access to knowledge.

Guest speaker: Dr. Monica Granados, Director of Open Science, Creative Commons; Leadership Team, PREreview

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Speaker Bio: Dr. Monica Granados is the Director of Open Science at Creative Commons and leads the Open Climate Campaign a multi-year campaign to open knowledge about the climate crisis and preserving global biodiversity. While doing her PhD in ecology at McGill University, Monica discovered that incentives in academia promote practices that make knowledge less accessible, leading her to devote her career to making knowledge more equitable and open. Prior to coming to CC, Monica worked at Environment and Climate Change Canada as a Senior Policy Advisor on the Open Science Team and is presently on the Leadership Team of PREreview, where she works to make peer review more open and diverse.

Sponsored by Rochester Institute of Technology and Open Scholarship Community Rochester. To submit an interpreting request, visit: https://myaccess.rit.edu. Instructions for parking provided to non-RIT participants, contact us at osc.rochester@gmail.com 

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